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The Srivijaya Empire for Unit 1 of AP World History

Dec 19, 2023

2 min read




Have you ever wondered what the world looked like thousands of years ago? The Srivijaya Empire rose to prominence in the 7th century in what is now parts of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines and shaped the political landscape in the region for centuries. In this presentation, you’ll learn about the Srivijaya Empire – its rise to power, its culture, and its legacy. Through this exploration, you’ll gain insight into the complexities of early civilizations and gain a better understanding of the history of the region.

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AI Drawing of Srivijaya
AI Drawing of Srivijaya 2464260919/Shutterstock

The Srivijaya Empire

The Srivijaya Empire was a maritime powerhouse from the 7th to the 14th centuries CE. The empire originated on the island of Sumatra. At its largest point, it extended from the Malay Peninsula to the island of Java.

Because the empire occupied the Strait of Malacca that connected the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, they controlled all sea trade routes between India and China. The people of the empire became rich trading spices, gold, and wood.

The Srivijaya Empire was a Buddhist empire. The rulers built many temples and monasteries, including Borobudur. Like other empires of the area, they also practiced Hinduism.

The main rivals of the Srivijaya Empire were the Chola Dynasty from Southern India and the Khmer Empire of Cambodia. In the 14th century, the Srivijaya Empire was destroyed by the Majapahit Empire, which originated on the island of Java.

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Srivijaya Empire for AP World History

#APWorldHistory #SouthandSoutheastAsia #TheSrivijayaEmpire

Dec 19, 2023

2 min read





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