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Decoding the Long A Sound

Jul 23, 2023

3 min read




We already know that the letter a makes the long /a/ sound at the end of open syllables. There are other letter combinations that also make the long A sound.

Introducing the Long A Sound

Look at the pictures below. Pay attention to the letter making the long /a/ sound in each word.

open syllable words with the long a sound

We have also already learned that a VCE syllable can make the long /a/ sound. Look at the pictures below. Pay attention to the letters making the long /a/ sound.

vce syllables with the long a sound

There are several vowel teams that also make the long /a/ sound. The most common vowel teams that make the long /a/ sound are ai and ay. We usually use the letters ai in the middle of a syllable. Look at the pictures below. Notice the letters making the long /a/ sound in each word.

The letters ai make the long /a/ sound in the middle of syllables.

We usually use the letters ay to make the long /a/ sound at the end of a syllable. Look at the pictures below. Notice the letters making the long /a/ sound in each word.

The letters ay usually make the long /a/ sound at the end of syllables.

There are several other vowel teams that can make the long /a/ sound. These vowel teams are much less common than ai and ay.

ET – The letters et can make the long /a/ sound in words English has borrowed from French.

EY – The letters ey can make the long /a/ sound in words from Old English. A more common sound for the letters ey is the long /e/ sound.

EIGH – The letters eigh can make the long /a/ sound in words English has borrowed from the Dutch.

EI – The letters ei can make the long /a/ sound. This is a very uncommon spelling pattern for the long /a/ sound.

EA – The letters ea can rarely make the long /a/ sound. This is the least common spelling pattern for the long /a/ sound.

Look at the pictures below. Notice the letters making the long /a/ sound in each word.

There are many vowel teams that make the long /a/ sound. The most common vowel teams that make the long /a/ sound are ai and ay.

Practice the Long A Sound

The best way we can remember the sounds letters make is to practice. Our Learning to Read workbook has cards you can use to practice with the long /a/ sound. You can also make your own notecards to practice letters and sounds. Just a few minutes of practice a day will make a huge difference!

Reading Words

Congratulations! You can now read more words! You can practice reading the words on the chart.

Practice reading words with the long /a/ sound.

Writing Practice

You can also practice writing words with the long /a/ sound. Make sure you follow explicit handwriting instructions to ensure you are writing efficiently. Writing efficiently is a huge part of building writing stamina.

Video Guidance

Check out our video on the long /a/ sound.

You can use this video to prepare for a lesson with your student, or your student can work with the video independently.


Take your learning to the next level with our Learning to Read Workbook!

at home reading workbook

Learning to read is a systematic process that requires explicit instruction. Our learning to read program breaks down every sound students need to know to learn how to read. Every step of the program includes picture examples, sound practice, reading practice, and writing practice.

The best part of the program is that anyone who is a competent reader can help a student through the program. Use our webpages, videos, and the pages in the workbook to guide your student’s learning. Students work through the program at their own pace. This is a perfect supplement to what students are learning in school.

Learning to Decode Scope and Sequence

Letter S

Letter A

Letter T

Letter P

Letter M

Letter D

Letter E

Letter C

Letter H

Letter R

Letter I

Letter N

Letter B

Letter F

Letter G

Letter K

Letter J

Letter O

Letter L

Letter U

Digraph CK

Digraph SH

Letter V

Letter W

Digraph CH

Letter Y

Letter Z

Unvoiced TH

Voiced TH

Letter X

Trigraph TCH

Trigraph DGE

Long A VCE Syllable

Sounds of the Letter Y

Soft C Sound

Soft G Sound

Long E VCE Syllable

Long I VCE Syllable

Long O VCE Syllable

Long U VCE Syllable

Open Syllables

The /F/ Sound

Consonant + LE Syllable

Long A Sound

AR Sound

Long O Sound

OR Sound

Long E Sound

ER Sound

Long I Sound

Long U Sound

S, SS, ES, and SE at the End of Words

Long OO Sound

Short OO Sound

V Sound at the End of Words

Short A Sound

Short E Sound

Sounds of WH

Short I Sound

NG Sound

Short O Sound

Short U Sound

OI Sound

N Sound

AW Sound

M Sound

OW Sound

K Sound

Schwa Sound

R Sound

AIR Sound

T Sound

EER Sound

L Sound

S Sound

W Sound

Silent L

CH Sound

SH Sound

Z Sound

ZH Sound

decoding the long a sound

Jul 23, 2023

3 min read





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