Learning to Decode Scope and Sequence
Jul 21, 2023
3 min read
Hey everyone! If you have a child who is just learning how to read, you are in the right place! This scope and sequence will take you through the entire path of decoding from first-letter sounds to digraphs and diphthongs!
The Learning to Decode Program
This Learning to Decode program is designed for those kids who need explicit and systematic reading instruction. The best part about it is that the instruction is designed to be given by any fluent reader. There is absolutely no guessing or assumed knowledge in this program. Everything is explicit, and if you ever have a question, let us know. We will make sure it is addressed!
This page lays out the scope and sequence. A scope and sequence is teacher-talk for what to teach and when to teach it. There isn’t one right scope and sequence for teaching decoding. However, working with one scope and sequence will ensure that students don’t come across unknown sound patterns.
In this scope and sequence, we teach all of the letter patterns that make the same sounds at the same time. This would be so confusing for learning spelling, but it works for reading. This program also gets kids to read real words as quickly as possible. Students will be able to start reading words after the third lesson. Each time they learn a new letter sound, they will be able to read even more words!
Learning to Decode Scope and Sequence
Letter S
Letter A
Letter T
Letter P
Letter M
Letter D
Letter E
Letter C
Letter H
Letter R
Letter I
Letter N
Letter B
Letter F
Letter G
Letter K
Letter J
Letter O
Letter L
Letter U
Digraph CK
Digraph SH
Letter V
Letter W
Digraph CH
Letter Y
Letter Z
Unvoiced TH
Voiced TH
Letter X
Trigraph TCH
Trigraph DGE
Long A VCE Syllable
Sounds of the Letter Y
Soft C Sound
Soft G Sound
Long E VCE Syllable
Long I VCE Syllable
Long O VCE Syllable
Long U VCE Syllable
Open Syllables
The /F/ Sound
Consonant + LE Syllable
Long A Sound
AR Sound
Long O Sound
OR Sound
Long E Sound
ER Sound
Long I Sound
Long U Sound
S, SS, ES, and SE at the End of Words
Long OO Sound
Short OO Sound
V Sound at the End of Words
Short A Sound
Short E Sound
Sounds of WH
Short I Sound
NG Sound
Short O Sound
Short U Sound
OI Sound
N Sound
AW Sound
M Sound
OW Sound
K Sound
Schwa Sound
R Sound
AIR Sound
T Sound
EER Sound
L Sound
S Sound
W Sound
Silent L
CH Sound
SH Sound
Z Sound
ZH Sound
I realize that not all of these sounds are counted in the 44 phonemes in English, but I think it is helpful to group sounds this way. I also realize that we all have different accents that make some sounds slightly different. The important thing about learning how to decode is mapping sounds and letters. It is okay if you say something slightly differently than I do – I have also been accused of having an accent.
Enjoy our Learning to Decode Scope and Sequence!
You can get more practice with decoding and encoding with our workbook! It is available at Teachers Pay Teachers.