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FREE Presentations for AP U.S. History Period 2: 1607 to 1754

Cate O'Donnell

1 min read

May 20




This page contains links to all of the suggested topics within AP U.S. History Period 2: 1607 to 1754. These pages give you the information you need to understand the major events, people, and places of this time. On the AP U.S. History test, you will need to use this information to answer questions about patterns, trends, and big ideas.

Period 2: 1607 to 1754

Contextualizing Period 2

European Colonization

The Regions of British Colonies

Transatlantic Trade

Interactions Between American Indians and Europeans

Slavery in the British Colonies

Colonial Society and Culture

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AP U.S. History

U.S. History Period 2

#APUSHistory #APUSH #period2

Cate O'Donnell

1 min read

May 20




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