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An Ottoman Empire SPICE-T Chart for AP World History

Nov 3, 2023

3 min read




Are you studying for a test in your AP World History class? Are you reviewing for the actual AP World History Test? Either way, you need this basic information about the Ottoman Empire. It is organized in a SPICE-T Chart to make it easy to categorize the information in your brain. Read the Google Slides to get an overview of the Ottoman Empire. Want more detailed information about the Ottoman Empire? You need to check out our Ottoman Empire Google Slides!


  1. Ottoman society was diverse, with various ethnic and religious groups coexisting.

  2. A system of millets allowed different religious communities to govern their own internal affairs.

  3. Janissaries were an elite corps comprised of Christian boys, primarily from the Devshirme system, who were forcibly converted to Islam and meticulously trained for military service. The Devshirme system allowed for some social mobility.

  4. Women had distinct roles and responsibilities in the household and community.

  5. Harem life, particularly in the imperial court, was influential and complex.

  6. It was a patriarchal society, but some women were involved in business and contributed to the economy.


  1. The Ottoman Empire was a centralized state with a sultan as the supreme ruler.

  2. It used a system of provincial governors (beys and pashas) to maintain control over its vast territories.

  3. The Ottoman legal system was based on Islamic law (Sharia).

  4. The Ottoman Empire filled the void left by the Seljuk Turks.

  5. The empire continually fought wars to expand its territory.

Interactions with the Environment

  1. The Ottomans were skilled in managing water resources and constructed complex irrigation systems.

  2. They were also known for their architectural innovations, including the construction of impressive mosques, palaces, and public buildings.

  3. The Ottoman Empire was centered around Anatolia (Asia Minor).

  4. It captured Constantinople, a key trading city, in 1453.

  5. The Ottoman Empire encompassed North Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Europe.


  1. Ottoman culture was a blend of diverse influences, including Islamic, Byzantine, and Persian. The population was extremely diverse.

  2. It produced rich literature, music, and art, with prominent figures like the poet Rumi and the architect Sinan.

  3. Coffeehouses were hubs of social and intellectual life.

  4. The Ottoman Empire practiced Sunni Islam which meant that the best leader served as the caliph.

  5. They converted the Hagia Sophia church into a mosque and built the Suleiman Mosque.


  1. Trade played a significant role in the Ottoman economy, with the empire acting as a bridge between East and West.

  2. Key industries included textiles, ceramics, and metalwork.

  3. Taxation and tribute from subject territories provided revenue. They used tax-farming, in which the sultan auctioned off the job of collecting taxes to nobles. This system was prone to abuse and led to unfair taxation.

  4. The jizya was a special tax on non-Muslims.

  5. As the silver trade increased, inflation rose as well.


  1. The Ottomans made notable advancements in military technology, including the development of firearms and cannons.

  2. They excelled in architecture and engineering, leaving behind iconic structures like the Hagia Sophia and the Topkapi Palace.

  3. They developed advanced shipbuilding techniques for their navy, including the construction of powerful warships like galleys and, later, galleons.

People to Know

  1. Osman

  2. Mehmet II

  3. Suleiman the Magnificent

Dates to Know

  1. 1289: Ottoman Empire Founded

  2. 1453: Ottoman Empire Captures Constantinople

  3. 1520 – 1566: Suleiman the Magnificent’s Reign

  4. 1922: End of the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire

Comparison in Land-Based Empires

Unit 3: Land-Based Empires

AP World History

Ottoman Empire Spice-T Chart

#APWorldHistory #OttomanEmpire #SPICETChart

Nov 3, 2023

3 min read





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